Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Christian Leadership

Who speaks for you?
Who speaks for Jesus?
Who is Leading Authentic Christianity?

Please watch the following You-Tube videos in full.

A. Bono - U2

B. Dr.Nina Gunter Nazarene General

If you choose "B", Please read the Gospels and return to quiz, Repeat as necessary.

I'd love to hear your thoughts - Steve


Sam said...

Wow. I've never been prouder of growing up Nazarene. This reminds me of Blue Like Jazz when Don was talking about the anger and defensiveness off ultra-religious people. No matter what you say, if it strays from the little ducks-in-a-row that help them sleep at night, it's a problem that needs to be stressfully addressed. How wasteful of our time here on earth! We see the global (and more importantly, the local) issues of the day and try to chase them down for Jesus. But if we do it on a Sunday morning, all of a sudden it's some sticky emergent mess. And if we dare suggest our mission is to reach people who's situation is a result of their sinful ways, well....we have much more important things to worry about.

Sam said...

Sad. Very sad.

Anonymous said...

i knew there was a reason i didn't want john to go to that conference!
wow, not heard much of bono, but that was pretty inspiring...............i have no comment on nina, except that i wished it surprised/shocked me more than it did. the difference in vision is wishes to tear down something, while avoiding putting any faces to the problem(easier for her to sleep:) while the other is spending energy to build up and create by giving us a visual of the people's needs and faces. jesus was a people person. i want to be like jesus!

eric said...

Nina reminds me of being a kid growing up in a very fundemental church. The lists of what not to do, what to avoid, what to be affraid of put, what I thought, was the fear of God in me. turns out it was the fear of man. although i have little knowledge of Bono's "theology" i love his passion...we werent called to build churches and wait for the lost to find us...they're lost...we are called to meet them where the are. Be in the world, but not of the can we be in the world if we hide behind the intimidating doors (rules and regulations) of an institution

Kyle said...

I like how Bono said that God is with the Poor people and He is with us if we are with them. I think that is so true. Shane Claiborne talks about his experience with working with lepers in calcutta and working at a megachurch in suburban chicago. He says he learned so much from the poor folks-- that he saw Jesus in them and came to know Him there because there was such a tight community of love. He said the suburbanites seemed lonely. How much could the rich do for the poor... and how much could the poor do for the rich if they could only meet each other...

benjaminyost said...

Sorry for not posting earlier. I have been pretty busy and my internet time is very limited. We both enjoyed going out to dinner and coffee with you.

About your post... Granted Nina Gunter does appear irate, but one does need to hear the whole context of what a person is saying.
We have heard all of Bono's speech, but we have only heard a clip of Nina's.
I am just one who tries not to jump to conclusions too quickly.
But at that same time, I do not think the biggest problems the church faces are Calvinism, reform theology nor the emergent church.
However, the overall effect of the emergent church is a move away from hierarchy and power structures. This will make it very difficult for established denominations in the coming years.

Sam said...

Ben, I have a hard time thinking a movement away from denominations would be a bad thing. Sure, a move from our standards could leave us in a chaotic state, but it would also be a move away from the most judgemental factions in human history. We need to find a middle ground. And screaming about other denominations is not the way to do it, or to impact the world for Christ.

Sam said...

By the way, you've been tagged Steve.

Steve F. said...

Dear, Lord, have mercy upon your church...

And my brother, forgive me for lifting your post almost in its entirety and reposting it. Absolute genius. I don't know how you found those two clips, but they point out the incredible fiddle-while-Rome-burns mentality of the dogmatic church. Never mind that people are dying - the key is to get our theology right. Because Matthew 25 tells us that right theology is what's going to separate the sheep from the goats.

Isn't it? I'm sure that's what is says right here...

Hmmm...well, maybe not "exactly" right theology. Maybe it DOES have a LITTLE bit to do with food, and caring for the least of these, and all that nonsense...

Brilliant post. Bloody brilliant.