Monday, September 1, 2008

The Draw of Politics

Why Does It Matter so Much,

There is a disturbing thing happening in the open minded emergent Christian movement. I believe that, in general, the leaders are starting to hitch themselves to the Democratic wagon. I heard that Donald Miller was opening the DNC convention with prayer. After some soul-searching I realized that I truly was not disappointed because it was the DNC, its because he felt it necessary to align himself with either party.

In the last few decades religious leaders have traditionally been Republican, with the hot topic issue of abortion on the front burner. But when you apply the WWJD question to many other planks of the party, they fail miserably.

Now as young Christian leaders align themselves with the Dem's because of a perceived compassion, they may want to ask themselves if fatherless homes and generational poverty is what Jesus would want, as that has been an obvious outcome of FDR's new deal.

If we look to either party to further the kingdom I think we are looking in the wrong direction. Should we vote - probably - maybe, but if we think that this kingdom (The USA) is going to do anything to further Christs Kingdom I believe we are fooling ourselves.


Paul Dazet said...

I completely agree with your post. I think the aligning with a political party is a huge hurdle to the kingdom mentality that the emerging movement focuses on.

I am going to post some political ramblings in the next few days. More and more I am seeing what you are seeing. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Crazy days!


Dave said...

I agree with what you are saying. I struggle to be informed and involved without "aligning" myself with a particular party. The only thing I would "disagree" with you is your "maybe" on whether we should vote. I think we all should.

Sam said...

Bold, my friend. You obvious commie republican sycophantic. (I have no idea what any of that meant.) Here's a question for thought...

Are there two political parties because that's what is being forced on us, or are there two because that's what us humans need.

Chel said...

Relevant magazine has some very interesting viewpoint on this topic in the most recent issue, good reading. It helps break it down a bit...
Check it out.

Sam said...

Hey man, if you'd respond to the comments left, you'd have some amazing conversations happening here. The stuff you write about, and the way you write, are the kind of posts that people tell other people about who then tell other people who tell other people, well, you get the picture. I think you're doing a major injustice to these posts by letting them sit and not responding, arguing, building on, whatever. Just a thought (from a guy who's had over ten posts hit 25+ comments) ;-)

Jonathan said...

We all know any good christian is going to vote republican steve... the rest of them are sinners!

How's that stache?