Friday, January 12, 2007


I went to a Catholic Mass last year and to a certain extent it changed my life. The beauty of the Church set the tone of awe and reverence. Seeing Christ on the cross immediately filled me with emotion and a deep sense of gratefulness for his sacrifice.

I was watching ecumenical TV last night and the Priest was talking about the dangers of consumerism attached to many Contemporary Churches - The danger of thinking "the Pastor / Priest was a bit dry today" or " Man I just didn't get anything out of that today" - when what we need to be doing is consecrating ourselves to God and remembering what he has done to pay the price for our sins.

At the same time that Catholic culture has produced many that do not understand how to dig into the word of God on their own and have a limited knowledge of the incredible treasures that reside in God's Word.

Please understand, to discuss any contrast you need to make generalizations and I don't mean to paint all Catholics or all Protestants in any certain light. Certainly that could have the exact opposite effect of what I am attempting to discuss.

As I strive to figure out what I want in "Church" I know that I want BALANCE. Sometimes I want to see Christ on the Cross to remember what he did for me. I want to humbly come before a God that sacrificed all to be in a relationship with me. Sometimes I'll want to see it empty to celebrate his resurrection and omnipresence. I will want a new revelation or "take" on a scripture that I have known since I was a child.

I guess I want a lot but I think God wants a lot for us - and we are not even scratching the surface.

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